Elegance by Ford-Ellington!

Another recent highlight of my winter was photographing the floral magnificence that is Ford-Ellington (link)!
This amazing ivory event was created for a very lucky bride recently married at Cincinnati's finest ballroom, the Hall of Mirrors
 It was a pleasure to hang out with some of the best wedding professionals in Cincinnati! I have featured the amazing Goodwin Lighting in this little cameo, but...
 Everyone was there! Brigid Horne-Nestor of I do Weddings was organizing, Michael Bambino was clicking away with the bride and groom, plus the amazing Hilton staff who turned the room in 15 min flat!!
 And on top of all that greatness, Kevin and his team plopped a generous scoop of elegance onto the scene that left everyone speechless!

This was a truly magnificent occasion!

Everything was in it's place and the bride loved it! 

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