Mitchell's Adventure

There are times when you cross paths with people and think to yourself right there, "I really hope we stay in contact because there aren't many people like you." In this case it's a family. And this is Mitchell.

Mitchell is a really awesome energetic guy. We met Mitchell through his brother Tyler (also an amazing guy), and then met their amazing mother Kym when Terri was teaching at Little Miami! They are an inspiring and wonderful family of genuinely caring and adventurous people. So much fun to be with!

Mitchell, Tyler, Terri, and I had a great time traversing downtown Cincinnati amidst Shriner's parades, giant caravans of cargo trucks, and construction to some of the grandest places for all types of portraits everyone can enjoy: From grandma to your craziest friends!

At Friendship park on the river we found this amazing mirror! (I told Mitchell I wasn't going to pay him just because he was the subject AND the background in the photos!)

Here's the other side of the art!

Thank you SO much for letting us take your portrait Mitchell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great portrait session. Love the mirror shots!-CC