062808 Misc

Yes, I own leather pants. I bought them 13 years ago, and I still fit in them... ROCK AND ROLL! This photo was not so much to show off my crotch as to illustrate a rock and roll game that a friend Brad was creating. This was the photo for a "leather pants" upgrade for the lead singer.

This poor chap was exectuted by the state for crimes against shrubbery. This is the last known photo.

I couldn't find this posted any where else. This is September of last year. These are the most amazing flowers I have ever seen. They were donated to me by Ford-Ellington Florist (the most amazing florist in the universe). I, of course, gave them to the most amazing woman in the world. She stuck her face deep in them smelling the beautiful aroma in gratitude, breathing deeply with joy. this is the next day when she awoke with swollen eyes realizing she was allergic to stargazer lillies.

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