The Amazing and Talented Danielle!

Danielle is one intriguing character!

In addition to playing awesome bassoon, Danielle is a talented artist and photographer...

In fact, I hear she's a quick study at everything!

It was a beautifully overcast day that bathed the landscape in an even diffused light!

When we showed up at Cincinnati's Ault Park boy was I surprised to see another photographer with an off camera flash and Zumbrella! I quickly walked over to see who it was and size up my competition when I saw that it was none other than Mr David Ziser and his Fall Master's Class!

After catching up with the gang, Danielle Terri and I muscled our way through the ocean of gleeful photogs learning the profession the right way to grab a few shots at the famous Pavilion!

(Image by Terri)
And ended up with a wonderful set of beautiful images for a great young lady!

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